The Rough Cats' Story

The father to the Rough Cats litter is none other than the superhero "Disappearo". His super-power is to disappear when things get tough. Disappearo is able to consistently avoid any form of responsibility, or honour any commitment. The last time Disappearo followed through resulted in the conception of the youngest of the "Rough Cats".

Mother Cat is a gentle soul with extremely well functioning child bearing hips and a penchant for men who wear their underwear externally. She was an au pair working in Denmark, and in the summer of 2002 had to quickly pick her young litter up and flee the great Lego riots of Billund, Southern Denmark.  Unsurprisingly Disappearo was nowhere to be seen.

Coinciding with the Lego riots was a simple misunderstanding with the much feared Danish mafia over the ownership of a large bag of cash, contraband and incriminating photographs. Ever since, Rough Cats have been in hiding and only emerge to lay down a track or two of whatever style they choose.

To keep up with the elusive Rough Cats contact them, check out their music or sign up to their mailing list.

Check out the bios for each of the Rough Cats